I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Co-Chairman George Owen at 1600 hours. Members present: Bill Britton, Dee Potter, and Mike Williams. Member absent: Larry Helsley. Others present: Chief Alvord, Sheila Brewer, Sleeper Ernie Curran and District Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting June 5, 2012
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
A. Discuss /Approve AFG Grant engine grant 5% match of approximately $15,000.00. Chief Alvord explained that the grant opened since the last board meeting and closes Friday July 6. The district wants to purchase a new type 2 urban interface engine. Chief Alvord has talked to several dealers and other fire department chiefs and has found that the total cost will be approximately $350,000.00 for the engine, the equipment and taxes. Our portion would be approximately $17,000.00. He indicated that he hopes to get the application in by Thursday, July 5th. The board discussed the specs on the engine and the grant specifics. This grant will show up on the 2013/14 budget. They are looking at approval in December this year. After approval we have one year to purchase the engine. MSC: Britton/Potter
B. Discuss/Approve – AFG Regional Grant 5% match of approximately $2,500.00. This will allow us to record classes and broadcast them to other departments. New volunteers would be able to watch the classes for training. Our cost would be approximately $2500.00, but that estimate is high. We would probably see the money in the 2013/14 budget year. There are six agencies involved; additional agencies would reduce the $2500.00 amount to our district. Commissioner Dee Potter asked who the lead agency would be. Chief Alvord advised that each agency would have some equipment; our district would house the majority of the equipment. The equipment would be regionally owned. MSC: Williams/Britton
C. Discuss/Approve – new sleeper at Station 1 – This item removed from agenda.
D. Discuss/Approve – new sleeper at Station 2 – Kane Edwards is interested in this position. Kane feels he will have the time to complete the maintenance. MSC: Britton/Williams
IV. CLOSED SESSION: (Section 54957.6)
CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATIOR – Designated Reprehensive Commissioner Britton. No public comments. Entered into closed session at 1618 hrs.
V. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: (54957.1) Entered into open session at 1624 hrs. Vice Chairman reported COLA was approved effective July 1, 2012. Commissioner Britton will meet with employees after the meeting.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report:
- Firestorm and WFD crews completed all the work in the Ponderosa Pines area.
- The Trinity Medical Group job is complete with clearing 100’ from the Two Creeks Mobile Home Park. Unfortunately some of the trees were not able to be cut due to the hazard to improved areas. It was suggested to the property owner that they contact a professional tree faller to remove the trees.
- The Snyder-Highland job behind Taylor Street is complete. The vegetation has been cut and stacked within 100’ of the homes on Barbara Ave. We will try to integrate this area into the USFS burn planned for the fall. Mark Lancaster has received two complaints regarding the work in this area. He walked the area with Chief Alvord, Sam Pearce and Mike McMillan and advised there are no problems with the work.
- As remaining funds dwindled and the onset of fire season, we have put the program on hold until fall.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal Report:
- The chief has done several plan checks and the hydrant checks at several of the trailer parks in the fire district.
- Chief has had discussions with the developer for property on Main St. near Weaver St. for a new business. Discussed sprinkler needs for the building. Commissioner George Owens brought up that there is no hydrant on the back side of the property. The plans for this project were discussed by Chief Alvord and the Commission.
- The chief has done a plan review for a new pharmacy going in on Nugget Lane next to Marino’s Restaurant.
- There will be a lot split for the old 76 Gas Station; the new owner of the property will be remodeling the gas station.
- Workability Program – We have 3 high school juniors working. He has been ` training the new volunteers everything a fire fighter does when not on calls or training. They have been doing a lot of maintenance around the station. They painted and checked the flow on the hydrants on Main St. We want to have all the hydrants done by the end of summer.
- The Readiness Drill was a success; Commissioner Britton was at that training and provided mentoring to the fire fighters.
- We purchased radios with the Coulter donation.
- We will be conducting pump tests at both stations in August and September.
- The explorer post is coming along, we have several applicants.
- The Young Eagles went well.
- The fireworks went good.
- We have had two small vegetation fires, both unattended camp fires.
- One fire fighter was injured, twisted ankle, the injury is healed now.
- Chief Alvord talked about a radio program he participated in with Fire Chief Mike Williams from San Marcos Pass VFD from our station this date.
C Sleeper Report –
Mike has done some weed-whacking and fixed the toilet at Station 2.
D. Committee Reports:
1. Recruitment Committee: We have two new volunteers, we are now at 25.
2 Collections Committee: Commissioner Mike Williams went to small claims court, spent three hours waiting to be heard. One claim was postponed to July 16, the second one was postpones to a later date. He feels taking these claims to small claims court is a waste of time. We should look into using a collection agency.
Chief Alvord is thinking that sending a letter from the fire chief might be a good way to attempt to collect debts. If the collection agency is used there is no overall contract, but a contract for each bill they attempt to collect on. Using the collection agency was discussed among the commissioners and the chief.
3. Contract Committee: Chief Alvord met with Pat Butler at the USFS; they will be broadcast burning in the fall. They want to contract with the department for training while they are conducting the burns. Discussions are on going.
4. Tuition Committee: No Report
5. Budget Committee: Commissioner Potter advised the committee met and formed a preliminary budget.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1453 hours.
______________________________ _____________________________
George Owen, Co-Chairman Sheila Brewer, Clerk